Things to consider before getting married

Allah said “And among His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who reflect.” (Surah Ar-Rum 30:21)

Marriage is one of the most significant commitments a person may make in their lifetime. This union has the most profound impact on a person’s life, shaping them in ways beyond imagination. It is a contract between two individuals who choose to spend their lives together, enhancing their quality of life and transforming their manner of existence.

Before getting married, one must be well-informed about all aspects of marriage and carefully consider the decision. Every secret part of a person’s existence, even those they may not be consciously aware of, is often exposed at marriages. Finding the right partner to share your life with is crucial, as marriage involves not only embracing each other as individuals but also accepting their beliefs, values, and family as part of our own life. 

Here are some essential things to consider before getting married ( in generally) :

  • Understanding Each Other’s Values – A strong marriage requires that both partners understand one other’s values since       compatibility is fostered by common views on family, money, religion, and life goals. In order to maintain peace, disputes can be resolved via open conversation and respect for one another. A long-lasting and satisfying relationship is strengthened when underlying principles are aligned.
  • Emotional and Mental Preparedness – Entering a marriage requires emotional maturity and a willingness to support each other in tough times.
  •  Communication and Conflict Resolution – Open and honest communication, along with the ability to resolve conflicts effectively, is key to a successful marriage.
  •  Expectations and Responsibilities – Clarifying roles, expectations, and responsibilities within the marriage can prevent misunderstandings later.
  • Cultural and Family Dynamics – Understanding and respecting each other’s cultural and familial backgrounds helps in building a strong foundation.

So, the essential things that have to maintain for considering before getting married: 

 For Males:

  •  Financial Readiness – Financials readiness is crucial for men before marriage, ensuring stable income, wise expense management, and future financial planning. Open discussions with the partner about financial expectations, savings, and investments help avoid conflicts. Managing debts, securing insurance, and planning for long-term goals ensure a secure and stress-free married life.
  •   Emotional Maturity – Be prepared to handle responsibilities, conflicts, and emotional challenges in marriage.
  •  Career Stability – Have a clear career path and financial goals to provide a stable life for the family.
  •   Understanding Partner’s Expectations – Discuss roles, responsibilities, and life goals to avoid future misunderstandings.
  •   Commitment & Loyalty – Be ready for lifelong commitment, mutual respect, and emotional support.
  •   Family Responsibilities – Understand and accept the duties of a husband, son, and future father.
  •   Communication Skills – Develop healthy communication habits to resolve conflicts effectively.

For Females:

  •   Emotional Readiness – Ensure emotional stability and the ability to handle marital responsibilities. 
  •   Understanding Shared Responsibilities – Be clear about roles in marriage, including career, family, and household management.
  •   Family Adaptability – Be prepared to adjust to a new family environment and build strong relationships.
  •   Health & Well-being – Maintain personal well-being to contribute positively to the marriage.
  •   Effective Communication – Develop the ability to express feelings, needs, and concerns openly.
  •   Long-term Compatibility – Ensure shared values, beliefs, and life goals for a successful partnership.

What should be the qualities of an ideal life partner? 

A successful marriage is not about finding a perfect partner but about being patient and working together to build a beautiful bond. Through Sabr, love deepens, respect strengthens, and a couple moves closer to achieving tranquility (Sakinah) in their relationship.

Imaan: A strong marriage is built upon faith in Allah (SWT). When both partners prioritize their Imaan, they seek Allah’s guidance in their relationship, ensuring their love is based on sincerity, respect, and righteousness. A marriage grounded in faith leads to peace and blessings. 

Ilm: Seeking knowledge is essential in marriage. Understanding the rights and responsibilities of spouses, learning about patience, and acquiring wisdom in resolving conflicts can help build a strong foundation. Islam encourages both men and women to pursue knowledge for a successful and fulfilling life together. Allah said,

“Say, Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” (Surah Az-Zumar 39:9)

Sabr: Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an: 

“And be patient. Surely, Allah is with those who are patient.” (Surah Al-Anfal 8:46)

In marriage, patience is needed in understanding differences, handling difficult situations and nurturing a peaceful home. No two people are the same and adapting to each other requires time, effort, and unwavering patience.

The Prophet Muhammad emphasized kindness and patience in marriage, reminding us that spouses should treat each other with love and mercy. When disagreements arise, practicing Sabr helps in resolving conflicts with wisdom rather than anger.

Akhlaque: Good character (Akhlaq) is the foundation of a successful and lasting marriage. It reflects a person’s true nature and determines how they treat their spouse in moments of love, disagreement, and hardship. In Islam, a strong marriage is not just about love, but also about patience, kindness, and respect. 

The Prophet Muhammad was the best example of good character in marriage. He treated his wives with love, respect, and gentleness, even in difficult times. He advised: 

“The most perfect of believers in faith is the one with the best character, and the best of you are those who are best to their wives.” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi 1162)

Key Aspects of Akhlaq in Marriage:

  •   Kindness & Gentleness: A spouse should be a source of comfort and ease. Harsh words and disrespect harm the relationship, while kind speech nurtures love.
  •   Forgiveness & Patience: No one is perfect. A successful marriage requires patience and the ability to forgive.The Prophet never retaliated against personal offenses but responded with patience and understanding.
  •   Honesty & Trust: Truthfulness strengthens the bond between spouses. Trust is fragile—once broken, it is difficult to rebuild. Honesty and transparency help prevent misunderstandings.
  •  Respect & Appreciation: Every individual deserves respect, regardless of gender. Acknowledging and appreciating each other’s efforts brings barakah (blessings) into the marriage.
  •   Avoiding Harshness & Anger: Anger can destroy relationships. Controlling one’s temper and responding calmly preserves peace in the home.

The Prophet said: “The strong man is not the one who wrestles others, but the one who controls himself when he is angry.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6114)

Shukr: Expressing gratitude for one another nurtures love and contentment in marriage. Recognizing and appreciating your spouse’s efforts, no matter how small, brings barakah (blessings) into the relationship. 

Marriage is a lifelong commitment that requires careful consideration and preparation from both partners. Financial stability, emotional maturity, shared values, and open communication play crucial roles in building a strong foundation. Understanding each other’s expectations, responsibilities, and long-term goals ensures a harmonious and fulfilling relationship. A successful marriage is not just about love but also about mutual respect, adaptability, and teamwork. By addressing these key aspects before marriage, couples can create a stable and happy future together.

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